VOXYS made it to ESG Index of Russian Business
500 companies applied for participation in the index, of which 115 organizations were selected, including industrial companies, financial and banking organizations, transport, and IT companies.
The participants’ sector profile made it possible to provide the comparability of ESG grades received as a result of the questionnaire survey. The weight of each ESG factor was also changing depending on a participant’s sector profile.
The index was calculated based on the following factors.
• Environment: emission of hazardous substances; investments in environmental technologies; financing of environmental projects not related with production activity and implemented on charitable basis, etc.
• Social: following labor norms and laws in the area of employee’s rights protection; additional measures of social protection for personnel; professional development and improvement of employees; creating conditions for disabled employees; employment of young employees, including after training or internship at the company; fluctuation of personnel as a sign of comfortable working conditions; charity work and investments in social projects, etc.
• Corporate governance: documents in the area of a company sustainable development; bylaws for preventing conflicts of interests; anticorruption practices; availability of a board of directors and profile committees responsible for sustainable development, risks management, personnel policy and management rewarding; volume of disclosed information and disclosure regularity.
VOXYS Communication Center was included in the rating together with such renowned Russian companies as Russian Post, Avito, Rosatom, Aeroflot, Sberbank, RZhD.
At the background of global transformations, sustainable development has not lost its importance for Russian business. Responsible business practices, environmental norms, social guarantees for employees, and transparent management are still and important factor for access to capital markets.
“We declared our commitment to ESG agenda and our intention to join the UN Global Compact on Sustainable Development. Social responsibility is a part of VOXYS corporate governance system and it is based on modern international standards of socially oriented and environment-friendly management.
In 2021, VOXYS applied for joining the UN Global Compact on Sustainable Development that unites leading socially responsible corporations of the world on ten principles of responsible business.
VOXYS social responsibility and sustainable development policies are codified, ESG-guidelines are shared by all in corporative management system,” comments VOXYS CEO Julia Molchanova.
Please find more on ESG index of Russian Business at RBC website.

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