CSAT survey results show high VOXYS customer satisfaction Index
In period from February to April 2021, an internal study of customer satisfaction with the services provided by the company was carried out by the project office in the structural units of VOXYS communication center.
CSAT customer survey was used as a research method. Customer Satisfaction Score is an index of customer satisfaction with the services provided, assessing customer experience in a specific interaction, an integrative quantitative indicator of quality of work of company employees at all levels.
According to the international industry standard for quality management SORS 4.2. for contact centers, the target value for customer satisfaction is set at 80% on a 5-point scale (CSAT 80%). In study of VOXYS project office, a 10-point scale was used for the assessment, accordingly, the target value of indicator was 8.0.
Totally 124 representatives of client companies took part in survey, they interact with VOXYS employees on 80 communication projects in retail sphere, financial and insurance sectors, transport, healthcare and HORECA.
As a result of processing the personal data received from clients, the consolidated CSAT index was 8.6. The resulting figure is 0.6 higher than the industry standard SORS 4.2.
Anna Kuzhleva, head of project office of VOXYS communications center: "As part of a set of measures to increase customer loyalty, in accordance with the results of study, an action plan will be drawn up for each project, including measures to increase customer satisfaction. For the second half of the year, we plan to repeat CSAT study, the task of which will reflect the effectiveness of made work".

Shared Objective -
Common Result
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